
MSc (Honours) - Artificial Intelligence (2023-Sept2024) | (Final Classification TBA)

Below is a summary of all the graded coursework and exams I have completed during my MSci degree at X.

MSci (Honours) - Integrated Master of Science, Psychology and Language Sciences (2019-June2023) | (Final Classification TBA)

Below is a summary of all the graded coursework and exams I have completed during my MSci degree at UCL.

2022/23: Fourth Year (Research Pathway) - Master’s Level

  • MSci Research Thesis: Neural Reorganisation and Crossmodal Plasticity in the Deaf Auditory Cortex (TBA)
    • MSci Thesis (80% weight): (TBA)
    • Research Proposal (10% weight): (74)
    • Blog Post for research dissemination (10% Weight): (TBA)
  • Advanced Statistics with R (72)
    • Lab Report using Advanced Statistical Analyses (100% weight): (72)
  • The Brain in Action (TBA)

  • Neuroscience of Mental Health (TBA)

  • Deafness, Cognition & Language (70)
    • Coursework Essay (100% weight): Plastic Reorganisation in Congenital Deafness: Insights from Experimental Studies (72)

2021/22: Third Year

BSc Thesis: “Influence of Instrumentality, Valence and Receiver’s Uncertainty on Information Sharing” (supervisor: Prof Tali Sharot, Valentina Vellani)

  • Neural Computation: Models of Brain Function (74.90)

    • Final Exam 3h (95% weight): (75)

    • Coursework Essay (5% weight): Critique of Frean (1990): The Upstart Algorithm (74)

  • Cognitive Neuroscience (65)

    • Research Poster (100% weight): “Do Individuals with ASD exhibit impairments in prospective memory?” (65)
  • Topics in Neurobiology (77)

    • Coursework Essay + Questions (100% weight): paper = (77)
  • Introduction to Deep Learning for Speech and Language Processing (75)

    • Essay on a Speech DL Task (100% weight): “Two Approaches to Speaker Identification: A Comparison of Methods and Outcomes (75)
  • Brain Stimulation (70)

    • Lab Report Proposing a Novel Brain Stimulation Study (100% weight): “Causal Role of the Lip M1 Area in Learning To Perceive New L2 Sounds” (70)
  • Language and Communication in Dementia (81.25)

    • Coursework Essay (75% weight): “Analysis of Language Samples from a Dementia Patient (75)

    • 1h long MCQ (25% weight): 100

2020/21: Second Year

  • Calculus and Linear Algebra (98.73)

    • Final Exam (85% weight): 100

    • Coursework Problem Sheet (10% weight): 100

    • Average across 8 Weekly Quizzes (5% weight): 97.5

  • Intermediate Statistical Methods (88.45) using R + Bayesian Statistics

    • Final Statistics Exam in R (3 hours, 50% weight): 93

    • Coursework Lab Report in R (Secondary Data Analysis + Preregistration): “Need to Belong, Narcissism, Political Affiliation and Subjective Wellbeing” (High 1.1, 77)

    • Average across 14 Weekly Programming Assignments using R (15% weight): 100

  • Development of Communication and Cognition (71.40)

    • Coursework Essay: “Social Cognition and Successful Language Development: Joint-Attentional Processes and Lexical Development” (2.1, 63)

    • Coursework Lab Report (on existing data ~COVID-19): “Relationship Between Procedural/Implicit Learning and Second Language Learning” (65)

    • Online Weekly Activities: 100%

  • Qualitative and Mixed Research Methods (67.50)

    • Coursework Essay: “Confirmation Bias: The Battles of Quantitative and Qualitative Research Cultures” (High 1.1, 78)

    • Mixed Research Methods Lab Report: “Juror Decision-Making: Pre-Trial Detainment and Rational Inferences” (57)

  • Language and Cognition (73)

    • Exam Essay 1: “Language is Multimodal: Evidence from Production, Reception and Development” (68)

    • Exam Essay 2: “The Role of Projections and Multimodal Signalling in Seamless Turn-Taking” (78)

  • The Psychology of Individual Differences (Intelligence, Personality, Genes-Env Interactions) (69.50)

    • Exam Essay 1: “Individual Differences in Mental Health: A Multifactorial Account” (71)

    • Exam Essay 2: “The Trainability of Creativity: Evaluation of Laboratory and Applied Setting Research” (68)

  • Language and Communication (78)

    • Narrated Poster: “Do Fake News Have Distinguishables Features?” Evidence from Emotional Valence and Writing Style & Machine Learning Detection Approaches (High 1.1, 78)


2019/20: First Year

Highlights: Student Achievement Prize for Academic Performance (£50), Nomination for the UCL Faculty Undergraduate Scholarship for Excellence (£3,000)

  • Introduction to Research Methods using R

    • Final 3-hour Exam in R: 95 (High 1.1)

    • Coursework Essay: “Strengths and Limitations of Qualitative Analysis” (High 1.1: 80)

  • Introduction to Language - linguistics

    • Exam: High 1.1, 83

    • Coursework Essay: “Animal Communication and Human Language” (High 2.1)

  • Memory

    • Lab Report: “The Effect of Generating Responses During Learning” (1.1: 71)
  • Evidence and Enquiry

    • Coursework Research Proposal: “Simulation, Risk Perception and Environmental Awareness” (1.1: 70)
  • Neural Basis of Perception, Memory and Language

    • Practice Coursework Essay: “The Localisation of Different Functions in the Brain” (High 1.1: 87)
  • Social Psychology

  • Perception, Attention and Learning

  • Introduction to Speech Science, speech science software (e.g. PRAAT)

    • Coursework Report: “Introduction to the Articulation, Acoustics and Phonology of Vowels” (High 2.1)

NB: NO reported grades/weighting in my first year are counting towards my final degree (in response to COVID-19).

Passed the Progression Module to advance into my second-year:

  • CAPSTONE: “Expert Advice to the Criminal Justice System: insights from Neuroscience, Social Psychology, Speech Science and Perception Research”